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About Us

We are a group of co-designers from Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change (CN4C) in Redruth.  In November 2021 we invited a cohort of community investigators and selected people from a variety of roles within the community to an event in Newquay which took place over three days. 

Co-design team photo

How It All Started

A group of volunteers and staff from CN4C start to plan an event - to be held over three days but to have longer lasting consequences across both Cornwall and beyond.  It's time for changes to be put into place and an increased societal awareness to be reached.  This is based on our work in the community hubs in Redruth and St. Austell and what we hear from those coming into these hubs day in and day out. 


The theme of the investigations was based upon ‘falling down the rabbit hole into Wonderland’.  We felt that covid in particular has caused the world in which we live to become curiouser and curiouser and that there was less support and joined up working within agencies than ever before.  The investigation set out to prove or disprove this.  


We came up with six sections which we wanted to thoroughly investigate - these were:

Our Journey

The principles of co-design have been around within CN4C for a while now.

This timeline reflects the life of the 'Adventures in Wonderland' conference and beyond. 

Residential Co-Design.jpg

A group of co designers went to lovely Heathercombe on Dartmoor for a residential for some days. We did lots of work on the project, ate brilliant food, admired the landscape and wrote more poems. 

About Us
How It All Started
Our Journey

We'll be in touch very soon with updates!

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